Neighbourhood Involvement
Getting Involved
We want to encourage our tenants and leaseholders to be involved to help us to improve our service for the benefit of all our customers. Being able to feel that you can influence the decisions that affect you, your home and community is very important.
In order to improve our services, we focus on the areas that you tell us are important to you and which you rate as needing improvement. This will ensure that your home and the area you live in is a comfortable and enjoyable place to live. We want to make sure that you have the opportunity to:
- be involved in a way that suits you.
- be involved in as little or as much as you like.
You don't need any experience to take part as we can provide support and training to give you the confidence and skills which help you get the most out of your involvement.
Getting involved will help you to:
- improve customer service
- make the area where you live a nicer place
- gain useful skills
- understand how and why the council makes decisions
- keeping you up to date with our quarterly newsletter At Your Service
As a council tenant or leaseholder you have the right to be consulted on all matters affecting your tenancy or the housing service (including changes that affect your home and community).
How can you get involved?
Customer Opinion Panel
Customer Opinion Panel is an open meeting for tenants and leaseholders of Gosport Borough Council. The COP meets on a regular basis and discusses issues that affect you. The COP plays an important role in making decisions and monitoring the housing service.
Estate Walkabouts
Estate Walkabouts are an opportunity for you to raise any local issues about the area where you live with officers from the council. For example grounds maintenance, parking issues and repairs. If you feel that an estate walkabout is needed then please contact your Neighbourhood Housing Officer on 023 9254 5665.
Sheltered Housing Group
This is an opportunity for all tenants who live in sheltered housing to meet to discuss policies and procedures that affect them.
Reading Panel
The role of the reading panel is to review and comment on the design and content of the housing newsletter 'At Your Service', forms, leaflets, letters and new documents that the council send out . This helps to ensure that these documents are written in 'plain English' and are 'tenant friendly'.
Training Opportunities
Gosport Borough Council offers a variety of training that is designed to provide information for residents who would like to become more involved and make a difference in their neighbourhood as well as the housing service.
For further information please contact Emma Vanson on 023 9254 5403 or