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Gosport Borough - reducing emissions

Carbon budget for Gosport

The Tyndall Centre has calculated that for Gosport to contribute its fair share to the goal of limiting global warming to 2°C with a chance of staying below 1.5°C, Gosport's CO2 emissions1 between 2020 and 2100 must be no greater than 1.5 MtCO2. This 80‑year carbon budget represents just over seven times the emissions generated in 2019.

Diagram representing 2020-2100 carbon budget for Gosport, compared to 2019 emissions

The Tyndall Centre has also calculated that to stay within the carbon budget, Gosport needs to decrease CO2 emissions by 12.6% every year from 2020, as shown below. This implies a 78% reduction by 2030 and a 94% reduction by 2040, compared to 2019 levels. The Council will work to encourage and enable reduction of emissions and report annually on the area's progress compared to this recommended pathway, indicating if the Borough is on track to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Graph showing pathway for Gosport Borough emissions to reach net-zero by 2050, with interim targets for 2030 and 2040


Priorities and key ambitions

Pie chart of sources of CO2 emissions in Gosport
Gosport's scope 1 and 2 emissions are primarily domestic and transport related (see emissions reports for details) so these will be a priority for reduction effort.

The areas that are likely to contribute the most to scope 3 emissions will also be addressed: consumption of goods and food produced outside Gosport.

The key ambitions that the Council will contribute to realising in each priority area are set out below.

Once major emission sources have been addressed, action for non-priority areas will be reflected in this Strategy although if opportunities arise, actions will be included sooner (e.g. helping businesses to access decarbonisation grants or loans).

PriorityShort term
(< 3 years)
Medium term
(3 to 10 years)
Long term
(> 10 years)
P5: Domestic emissions
GD1.Residents have implemented zero or low cost measures to reduce energy demand.
GD2.All new housing is as energy efficient as possible.
GD3.All new housing is fitted with solar PV and/or solar thermal systems where appropriate.
GD4.No new housing uses fossil fuel based heating systems.
GD5.At least 7500 homes in Gosport are fitted with non-fossil fuel based heating systems by 2030.2
GD6.All homes in Gosport have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C or better by 2035.3
GD7.All homes in Gosport are fitted with non-fossil fuel based heating systems by 2050.
P6: Transport emissions
GT1.All new developments and infrastructure transport network improvements are designed to make sustainable travel the most convenient option.
GT2.All suitable new residential and commercial developments include electric vehicle charging points.
GT3.Amenities, shops and leisure opportunities are enhanced, reducing travel demand.
GT4.Public transport services are a convenient and affordable option for residents, for commuting, shopping and leisure purposes.
GT5.Gosport's job density is at least the Hampshire average, reducing travel demand due to out-commuting.
GT6.At least 350 public electric vehicle charging points are available by 2030.4
GT7.Active travel modes are a convenient and safe option for all residents, for commuting, shopping and leisure purposes.
P7: Emissions from consumption-
GC1.The amount of food wasted by residents and businesses is minimised.
GC2.A culture of sharing and buying second hand is established.
GC3.Products are routinely repaired to extend their lifespan.
GC4.At least 68% of waste is reused, recycled or composted by 2030.5
GC5.The proportion of locally produced foods in diets is significantly increased.
GC6.The proportion of meat, dairy, and other carbon intensive foods in diets is significantly reduced.

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  1.  This only includes Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
  2.  This aligns with the Climate Change Committee's recommendation for the number of heat pumps that will need to be fitted across the UK by 2030.
  3.  This aligns with the Government's target for all homes in the UK to have an EPC rating of least C by 2035.
  4.  This aligns with the Climate Change Committee's target for the number of public charging points that will be needed across the UK by 2030.
  5.  This aligns with the Climate Change Committee's recommendation for the proportion of waste reused, recycled or composted across the UK.

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