Duty to Refer
The Homelessness Reduction Act (HRA) came in to force on the 3rd April 2018. Under Section 213B of the HRA, your organisation will have a duty to refer (DtR) customers who may be homeless or threatened with homelessness within 56 days, to a Local Authority from 1st October 2018.
A County wide Duty to Refer Protocol (PDF) [6MB] and Referral form (Word doc) [103KB] has been developed for Hampshire in readiness and to ensure that all agencies have the correct information and procedures in place in order to refer patients/ service users to a local authority housing department.
Please find attached the Duty to Refer Protocol (PDF) [6MB] and Referral form (Word doc) [103KB] which should be disseminated throughout your organisation with specific emphasis on front-line staff.
Email: dutytorefer@gosport.gov.uk
Further information about the Homelessness Reduction, the Duty to refer and the Duty to Refer guidance can be found here: