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Corporate Complaints

Official Complaints Procedure

The Official Complaints Procedure will be undertaken if you have already complained directly to the relevant Section but remain unhappy about:

  • the attitude or behaviour of our staff;
  • our continued failure to meet our standards of performance;
  • the way you have been treated.

Please note that we cannot investigate your complaint if you contact us in the first instance more than 12 months after your concern has arisen, unless in exceptional circumstances or if you have, or had, a right to appeal or take legal action or respond to legal proceeding brought by the Council, this might be;

  • a Magistrates Court in respect of a Licensing decision
  • a tribunal (such as Housing Benefit Appeals Service)
  • a Government Minister (such as a planning appeal)
  • the Courts

If unsure whether your problem justifies an 'official complaint' advice on the matter can be obtained from the Complaints Co-ordinator on Tel: (023) 9254 5202.

Initially you should contact the Section to raise your concern. If you remain unhappy with the outcome the next course of action is the Official Complaints Procedure.

The Official Complaints Procedure starts with Stage 1.

Stage 1 
Please contact the Complaints Manager who will refer your complaint to the relevant Section Head for investigation. This can be done by e-mailing 

or by writing to the:
Complaints Manager, Gosport Borough Council, Town Hall, High Street, Gosport. PO12 1EB.

If you are unhappy with the outcome at Stage 1, you have 28 days in which to escalate your complaint to Stage 2.

Formal complaints online form

Stage 2 
If you are not happy with the reply at Stage 1, an independent review will be conducted by an impartial manager. The decision of the review will be sent to you by letter or e-mail within 20 working days. If you are unhappy with the outcome at Stage 2, you have 28 days in which to escalate your complaint to Stage 3.

Stage 3 
This stage is where your complaint is reviewed by the Chief Executive's Office. It will help the review if you explain why you are not satisfied and what you expect from the review. The Chief Executive's Office will reply within 20 working days and will let you know if there are any delays.

If after Stage 3 you are unhappy, you may contact the Local Government Ombudsman, an independent organisation set up to investigate serious complaints against Councils. The Ombudsman only usually investigates complaints after the Council has been given the opportunity to investigate the complaint themselves.

A free copy of the Ombudsman's leaflet is available from the Town Hall or most libraries. You can also write to the Local Government Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry, CV4 0EH, Tel: 0845 602 1983 or 024 7682 1960 or check out the website at 

Councillor Complaint 
If your complaint is about the conduct of a Gosport Borough Councillor then you should contact the Monitoring Officer, Gosport Borough Council, Town Hall, High Street, Gosport, by letter or by e-mail to monitoring

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