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Evacuation advice

If instructions are issued by the Emergency Services and/or local authority representatives that evacuation of your premises is advised then:

  • Respond to instructions.
  • Remain calm and leave as quickly as possible.
  • Gather family and pets together.
  • Use the transport made available.
  • Take with you:
  • Your "Emergency pack"
  • Change of warm clothing and blankets
  • Toiletries and everyday medicines
  • If appropriate, baby clothing, nappies and associated toiletries
  • Special foods
  • Important documents, immediate valuables and important telephone numbers of friends and relatives
  • Baskets or cages and leads for pets
  • Personal items such as glasses, mobile telephone, keys, cash or credit cards
  • Make sure fires are out and turn off gas, water and electricity. Allow adequate ventilation prior to turning them back on.
  • Secure your property.
  • Report to the allocated Emergency Reception Rest Centre.
  • If you decide to stay with relatives or friends for the duration then please tell the Police or a local authority officer. This will save someone hunting for you if they think that you are missing

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