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Business rates information

Where your money goes

The council has no control over business rates as the amount is set down by the Government.  Up until 31 March 2013, the money collected by the Council was pooled and redistributed by Central Government to councils as part of the annual formula grant settlement.

From 1 April 2013, along with all other Local Authorities,Gosport Borough Council receive less Government grant but keep about half of the Business Rates collected locally providing a financial incentive to improve the local economy. The remainder will continue to go to Central Government for re-allocation to Local Authorities through various grants. Central Government will continue to set the amount of rates you must pay each year.

Gosport Borough Council is keen to support small business and the local economy as much as possible. We offer flexible payment options and have a discretionary rate relief scheme to help charities and not-for-profit organisations. 

We now also allow monthly instalments to be spread over 12 months of the year.

Refuse collection and disposal

  • the council only collects and disposes of household waste.
  • Business Rates does not finance the collection or disposal of any waste generated in the course of a business.
  • traders and businesses are legally required under the Environmental Protection Act (duty of care regulations) to securely store their waste and employ a licenced waste contractor to remove and dispose of their waste to an appropriate disposal point.
  • failure to comply with these regulations can result in unlimited fines.

Calculating your business rate charge

Every business property has a rateable value (RV) on which the business rates charge is based.

Premises that are subject to business rates are given an RV by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). Local authorities use the VOA's assessment of a property's rateable value to calculate business rates bills. The  RV  is calculated on the likely annual open market rent for the premises at a particular date.

To assess the rateable value, certain factors such as the size of the premises, location, and how they are used are taken into account. Different parts of the premises may be valued at different levels. For example, the front part of a shop, closest to the entrance, is more valuable than space further back or storage space in a basement.

In some cases such as public houses, turnover is also used as a calculation of the rateable value.

Each year, the Government sets a multiplier, which is the rate in the pound by which the RV is multiplied.

There are two multipliers for the 2022/23 financial year (49.9 pence and 51.2 pence). The standard multiplier for 2022/23 is 51.2 All rate payers (except charities) occupying premises with a  RV  below £51,000 will have their liability calculated using a lower multiplier of 49.9 pence.

Empty properties and those occupied by charities will have their liability calculated using the standard multiplier of 51.2 pence

Transitional arrangements and the 2017 revaluation

If your RV has changed a lot because of the government's Revaluation, there might be a cap on the increase or decrease. This helps to introduce the change gradually over a period of several years. The support works by limiting the percentage increase each year. To help pay for this, there is also a limit on bills being reduced, where Rateable Value has gone down. 

Some properties will not reach their full increase or decrease within five years, at which point the next Revaluation is due, and Rateable Values could change again.

It will appear on your bill automatically as transitional relief or transitional restriction; there is no need to apply.   For 2022/23 Transitional arrangments have ended.   A discretionary releif is available for some businesses and these were sent application forms with their annual bills.

Charity / Sports Club / Not for Profit Relief

Charities and registered Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) are entitled to 80% relief where the property is:

  • occupied by the charity or the CASC, and is wholly or mainly used for the charitable purposes of the charity (or of that and other charities), and
  • for the purposes of the CASC (or of that and other CASCs).
  • We have discretion to give further relief on the remaining bill. Non-profit-making organisations can also be granted discretionary relief. Please contact us about this.


Please note - making an appeal does not allow you to withhold payment of your instalments. You should continue to pay as normal until your appeal is resolved.

Against liability

You can make an appeal if you think that you are not responsible for paying. This could be because someone else is, or because your property is exempt.  You can also appeal if you think there is a mistake on your bill.  

If you want to appeal, email saying why you disagree with what you are being charged.

Your rateable value

Non-domestic Rates South West, Valuation Office Agency, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square

Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN 

Telephone:  03000 501 501

You may also inspect the rating lists at the Gosport Borough Council Town Hall during normal working hours. 

Private rating agents (business rates)

Be careful before entering into a contract with a rating advisor as they cannot guarantee reductions in rateable values.

Even if they are successful, this may not reduce the amount you have to pay.

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