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Gosport Borough Council's Online Geographic Information System (GIS) is an interactive mapping service that allows you to view map based data held by the Council. The service will allow you to carry out address searches within the Borough, move around the map and query map layers.

Maps Available
The map layers currently available to view are:

  1. Gosport Adopted Local Plan 2011-2029 Please note that certain designations have changed since the Local Plan has been adopted (October 2015) can be viewed here
  2. Gosport Brownfield Sites Land Register
  3. Terrier (Gosport Borough Council owned/leased land)
  4. Gosport Built Heritage (formerly Conservation Information)

Map selection can be made from the dropdown list in the top left corner. Address searching can be done by typing in the "Postcode or Streetname" search box. Basemaps can be selected, either Ordnance Survey or aerial photography and layers can toggled 'on/off' by clicking the checkboxes.

Both information boxes can be toggled 'hide/unhide' by clicking the Basemaps or Layers buttons.

Maps for other services e.g. Allotment locations, Public Car Parks, Public Conveniences, Public Slipways, and Ward Boundaries can now be found on the associated webpage for that service.

Enter mapping site

Should you require assistance using this system, please email 
Disclaimer :
By entering the Online GIS system you are agreeing to the following conditions :-

This website allows you to view and interrogate some of the map layers Gosport Borough Council holds, this service is provided for information purposes only. Gosport Borough Council seek to meet the highest standard of quality information and every attempt has been made to present up to date and accurate information. However, the Council cannot be held responsible for the misuse or misrepresentation of any of the information here. It offers no warranty to the accuracy of the information and accepts no liability for loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on this information.

Those wishing to establish the correct situation on any data presented should contact the Council.

Copyright : 
All Ordnance Survey maps are reproduced from Ordnance Survey mapping data with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright.
Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Gosport Borough Council, AC0000849992.

You are granted a non-exclusive, royalty free revocable licence solely to view the licensed data for non-commercial purposes
for the period during which Gosport Borough Council makes it available;
You are not permitted to copy, sub-license, distribute, sell or otherwise make available the licensed data to third parties in any form; and
Third party rights to enforce the terms of this licence shall be reserved to OS.

Please note that the maps used may not currently reflect changes in those areas of recent development.
Accessibility :
Gosport Borough Council strives to meet the needs of computer users with visual impairment or other conditions that limit accessibility.  Due to the graphics-intensive nature of the site, this geographic information cannot be presented in an accessible format.  If you would like assistance with this please contact the Council at or telephone 023 9258 4242.

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