Changes to the GBLP 2011-2029 Policies Map since adoption October 2015
There are a number of changes which can be made to the Polices Map outside of the Gosport Borough Local Plan process. The changes that have occurred since the Gosport Borough Local Plan 2011-2029 was adopted in October 2015 are summarised in the table of changes (PDF) [63KB] .
Further details are set out below:
- A Special Protection Area (SPA) - these are designated through Natural England outside of the Gosport Borough Local Plan process.
- Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs)- Gosport Borough Local Plan Policy LP44 and its justification text makes provision for SINCs to be added, amended or deleted at any time during the Local Plan period.
- Conservation Areas - these can be designated by the council under Gosport Borough Local Plan Policy LP12.
- A Registered Park and Garden (PDF) [157KB] part 2 of the Locally Important Heritage Assets - these are designated by Historic England outside of the Gosport Borough Local Plan process.
- Scheduled Ancient Monument (PDF) [55KB] - these are designated by Historic England outside of the Gosport Borough Local Plan process.
- In addition Listed Buildings can be added or amended at any time during the Local Plan period.
- Safeguarded Area for Defence Munitions (PDF) [1MB] - these are designated through the MOD and can be added amended or deleted at any time during the Local Plan period.