RAPS - (Rented Accommodation in the Private Sector) Scheme
What is the RAPS scheme?
The RAPS scheme is Gosport Borough Council's private rented scheme aimed at enabling landlords with good standard properties to rent to people who need homes. The main benefit of the scheme is the guaranteed rent it provides landlords with, giving them peace of mind that their rental income will be protected. The tenants provided by the Council are checked and assessed for their suitability for renting via the scheme.
Working with Gosport Borough Council provides landlords with a secure option for letting their properties at no cost. As a Local Authority, the services are transparent and staff experienced.
What sort of properties does the Council want?
The Council has access to a variety of potential tenants who need housing, so needs accommodation to suit them all. All types of self-contained properties in the Gosport and Lee-on-the-Solent area will be considered - anything from a studio flat to a 4-bedroom house. Please contact the Accommodation & Lettings Officer (Private) on 023 9254 5373 if you wish to discuss a potential property for the RAPS scheme.