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Executive summary

Climate change, as a result of human activities, is predicted to have wide-ranging impacts across the world. Many of these impacts will be felt locally so Gosport will need to adapt and be resilient. However, the impacts can be lessened by a collective effort to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. There are opportunities for reducing emissions in Gosport but this will require a collective effort by everyone and be delivered by working in partnership and engaging with the community. The Council has committed to doing what it can to reduce its own emissions and to work with others to contribute towards this local, national and global effort within its accountability.

The Council has a long-term vision driven by central policy with a mission statement describing how it will work towards this, which includes the key enabling principle of community engagement and partnership working.

For each priority, short, medium and long term aims and ambitions are identified and an accompanying action plan contains the necessary delivery activity. Actions will take into account the Carbon Hierarchy and a cost benefit analysis including impact, co-benefits and financial implications, to ensure action is realistic, proportionate, affordable and equitable.

The Climate Change Board is responsible for monitoring delivery of actions and of the priorities and advising if the Council is on track with its aims and ambitions in this Strategy. The Climate Change Board's work programme allows for regular review that is driven by local need, central policy as well as advancements in innovation, technology and behavioural change.

Diagram summarising the vision, mission statement, aspirations, enabling principle and priority areas of Climate Change Strategy


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  1.  Includes Scope 1 and 2 emissions but not scope 3, as these are not currently measured, but efforts will be made to reduce this majority source.
  2.  Initial focus on CO2 reduction as this is a key source and addressing it will reduce emissions of other gases too.

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