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Gosport Borough - adapting to climate change

Expected impacts

The Climate Change Committee produces five-yearly assessments of UK climate change risk and its 2017 report identified six key areas that need to be addressed, as shown below.

Diagram summarising key risks facing UK due to climate change, from Climate Change Committee 2017 risk assessment report


Priorities and key ambitions

These impacts will affect UK areas to different extents. Gosport is particularly vulnerable to flooding due to its low-lying and coastal location, and to heat waves due to its location in the south of the UK and its urban character. The Climate Change Committee has identified these two risks as the largest and most certain and therefore are main priorities for increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Risks to ecosystems and biodiversity are also considered to be a priority area for adaptation, as the Climate Change Committee report highlighted loss of coastal habitats and impacts on marine wildlife as areas of particular concern.

Other risk areas have a more limited impact in Gosport or the nature/severity of the impacts are less certain. These will be kept under review and opportunities will be taken to promote adaptation in these areas as they arise.

The key ambitions that the Council will contribute to realising in each priority area are set out below.

PriorityShort term
(< 3 years)
Medium term
(3 to 10 years)
Long term
(> 10 years)
P8: Resilience to flooding
GF1.Residents are prepared for flooding emergencies.
GF2.Flood risks in new developments are minimised.
GF3.No new developments increase surface water run-off.
GF4.Sustainable drainage systems are implemented throughout the Borough.
GF5.The storm sewer system is able to cope with predicted heavy rainfall events.
GF6.Sea defences are able to protect against predicted high tides and storm surges.
P9: Resilience to heatwaves
GH1.Residents are prepared for extreme heat.
GH2.All new housing allows for summer shading.
GH3.Urban centres have significantly more vegetation to provide shade and evaporative cooling.
GH4.All homes in Gosport have measures fitted to allow for summer shading.
P10: Ecosystems and biodiversity
GN1.Risks to habitats and species are understood.
GN2.All new developments achieve a net gain in biodiversity.
GN3.Non-climate change related pressures on at-risk habitats and species are minimised.
GN4.New sea defences avoid habitat loss from sea level rise where possible.


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