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Gosport Borough - aspirations and approach

A2: The Council's aspiration for Gosport is for Borough-wide greenhouse gas emissions1 to reach net-zero by 2050, and for the Borough to be as resilient as possible to the impacts of climate change.

Diagram showing proportion of area-wide emissions local authorities can directly control or influence
These emissions are not fully under the Council's control, but it has a substantial influence over the future of Gosport through its role as a planning authority, policy maker, service provider and purchaser. Approximately one third of an area's emissions are estimated to be directly influenced by the actions of the local authorities2. The Local Plan is a key mechanism through which the Council can influence Gosport's emissions and resilience to climate change and is, along with other strategies/policies, being aligned accordingly.

The Council works with partners, where it does not have direct control or influence. Partnership working includes Hampshire County Council, neighbouring councils (directly and through partnerships such as the Local Enterprise Partnership and the Coastal Partnership), the regional Energy Hub, local schools and colleges, community/voluntary sector and the private sector to promote climate action, and this is reflected in the action plan.


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  1.  Initial focus on CO2 reduction as this is a key source and addressing it will reduce emissions of other gases too.
  2.  See Climate Change Committee report Local Authorities and the Sixth Carbon Budget.

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